
My name is Almut Reifsteck. I was a nurse, translator and worked in the finance and housing sector until finally finding my vocation in psychotherapy. Since 2005 I work with people as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy. My first language is German but having lived for several years as an expat in Spain I know firsthand how important it is being able to address and express certain things in your mother tongue – especially concerning emotions or experiences from your childhood or (intercultural) problems in relationships.


Main focus

 Trauma Therapy

– most people think of trauma as a terrible event – an accident, a catastrophe, war, violence and abuse. While all of the above certainly can trigger a trauma response that hasn’t have to be the case. More important is how I experience a certain situation. So you have to differ between the drama on the outside and the trauma in the inside. One coping mechanism is to store the memories of the event and the experience in different parts far away from each other in the brain. That makes it difficult at times to relate certain symptoms with a certain moment in live. The good news is: it is not necessary at all to do so to release the trauma form your body.


Psychosomatic Disorders

– now, am I ill? Or is it just in my head? Sometimes we would like to fix an illness like we would a broken car: exchange the broken parts, new paint and everything is as good a new. That may work with a broken bone but for the most – especially chronic diseases it’s not that simple. Traditional systems like aryuveda and TCM always treat both body and soul. They have a holistic approach to health. To become and stay healthy you have to care for your whole being.



– if you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks your life shrinks because you start to avoid all the situations and people that make you feel uncomfortable. You don’t go out any more, order in rather than to go shopping yourself, even stop talking to your friends. That may work for some time but feeling lonely and isolated on top of suffering from anxiety and panic attacks makes for a small and bland life. Therapy can help you in a manageable way to take your life back layer by layer.



– you manage your everyday tasks just fine. But inside you feel overwhelmed, hopeless and you don’t like yourself very much. You are easily frustrated and angry and at the same time sad and you cry easily. Or you feel empty and numb. You are exhausted but you can’t get to sleep either because you have too much on your mind. It is increasingly difficult to concentrate or to remember things. Suddenly you are hungry all the time or have no appetite at all. You experience a lot of pain (head or tummy). There are a lot of things that may be signs for a depression. It is important to know: Depression is not the same as sadness. It’s more a loss of all emotion. And: There is no need for a reason to feel depressed. It happens gradually. You can’t just switch a depression off. For therapy that means your depression will not just go away. There will be good days and bad days. It is a process.



– you don’t feel connected with family and friends? You procrastinate more than ever because even the simpelest tasks seem overwhelming? Selfcare has long gone (sports, food, sleep)? You are physically and mentally exhausted? You are tired, wired and can’t get to sleep at night? All these are signs that you move towards a total burnout. Time to do something about it.



– Our bodies are made to cope with extreme situations. Some people even enjoy pressure and stress to reach their goals. But if stress gets chronic it is a dangerous thing. You will not be able to find sleep, your heartrate goes up and your blood pressure is too high. Your immune system will be in bad shape, you can experience brain fog and memory loss. You accumulate belly fat, don’t get enough vitamins and minerals and you are at a high risk to get cancer. Everybody has his or her own capacity for stress. It doesn’t matter if it is low or high – everyone needs coping strategies. Most of the time it is not about reducing stress in your everyday life (you will not always be able to change circumstances) but it’s about releasing stress internally and finding ways to relax. We will find solutions that work in your everyday life.


Couples Therapy

– every relationship has conflicts. The question is how you as a couple cope with them. It is not always easy: Most of the time we just do what we watched our parents doing when we were little. And so we react with withdrawel, anger, silence, contempt or distrust. Therapy can help to break up these habits and to find new ways to be with each other. A conflict solved makes for a better, stronger and safer relationship. It is true: two people are needed to make a relationship work. But sometimes it is the courage of one partner that gives the impulse for change.


Body and Breath Work

– your first and most important relationship is the one with your body and breath. In spite of that it is the relationship we often lose first. When was the last time you breathed fully? Looked at your body with kindness? Did something nice for it – a hot bath, a soft sweater, a nice meal? Maybe you only see it as deficient, imperfect, a burden or even your enemy? No matter how you treat it or experience it – you need your body. And your body needs touch. Touch received in a safe space to your terms can help to befriend your body again, to find relaxation, relief from pain. To feel that you are alive! (And just to be clear: it is not about sexuality. You will keep your underpants on.)



I have a holistic approach. I’m convinced that body, mind and soul form a unit. No part can be excluded in therapy. That means that we will listen and talk and your body will be present and listened to as well.

It needs courage to change. But the human heart is made for adventures. One of the biggest adventures of all is the journey inside. Sometimes we just need a little help, a companion or guide. I would very much like to be that for you.